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AOPA Aerodrome Watch
AOPA Aerodrome Watch

AOPA work with the General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC) to maintain a watch on Aerodormes under threat.

The General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC) was created by the aviation associations (most notably AOPA UK) to bring together GA in the UK on common issues affecting aerodromes with the aim of presenting one voice to Government and other bodies.

This came about after the industry was told by many such entities that they found it difficult and confusing to deal with so many different aviation associations on the same issues.

The Council advises numerous aerodromes around the UK each year as they face planning or other issues, some of which threaten their very existence; provides relevant advice to Government departments and committees, and works closely with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Aviation whose aim is to promote the aviation sector in Westminster.

AOPA continues to support the GAAC in its work financially and by having a representative with extensive aerodrome experience on the Council’s Board.

Unlike other parts of the UK’s transport infrastructure, there are no legislated procedures for the closure of aerodromes, irrespective of whether they are licensed or unlicensed, with the result that aerodromes land owners can close a site for aviation purposes at their sole discretion without regard to any consequences of doing so.

Given the stated importance by successive Governments of aviation’s contribution to the economic welfare of the nation, this omission needs to be addressed and is being pursued by the GAAC who want to see legislation enacted to better protect airfields as key infrastructure and, if possible, create a Strategic Airfields Network protected in law.

Aerodromes under Threat Update Form

This form is for notifying AOPA and the GAAC of an issue affecting the continued use of an Aerodrome in the UK that has not already been noted in the Aerodromes under Threat List below or an update to the information provided.

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